Like most small businesses, often when there is a networking issue, it’s addressed when something breaks. This makes sense; why pay to fix something unless it’s broken? However, this is the first mistake from a networking perspective, and this is a road that many businesses will get out of commission. When it comes to networking issues, businesses need to be reactive and proactive in San Diego. TechIT Services is a network consulting company to aid in data security and the fight against cyberattacks. Don’t be a victim of one mistake or an accidental click to download malware. 


Choose Network Consulting

When you are reactive with your data security, it means something has been broken. This can include the simplest actions, including an employee accidentally downloading malware into your computer, getting hit by a data breach, or weather affecting a power surge. Reactive opens the door to threats, which could easily put your services out of business.

Cyber threats are the greatest opposition to small businesses. These criminals will stop at nothing to steal into your network and destroy what they can. They don’t care what it does to your business. The reactive approach will do more damage when you’re one step behind the attackers or even equipment failures. Past IT services had the mentality of the break-fix model and waited until they were called. But by then, the damage was done. 


How to Get Proactive

With the advances in technology, our IT services can predict when threats will occur. We are able to stop them in their tracks to protect your business, data, and other cloud services. These managed services will save your business from cyber-attacks. However, choosing what services with your provider can help decide how proactive you want to be. Do you want your network watched 24/7? Or do you want your IT services to have remote access? Do you want instant support provided to you and your business team? It’s all part of the services we provide!

A great IT firm will provide quality service, meaning your data is backed and secure. Any external threats will be spotted long before they become an issue to your business. We provide security against any malware or emails that deliver harmful phishing. These are but a few examples of issues as the list goes on!


Contact TechIT Services, LLC

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at TechIT Services, LLC. We are providing our network consulting for your security and fixing any outdated networking and break-fix perceptions. Please don’t wait for something to break; call us today! We have San Diego covered with our services, and we deliver customer satisfaction. 

Learn to be proactive with our services and we provide instant support to you and your team. If you find you are reactive, we can fix that, too. We will manage your network, provide data security and cloud services, and monitor 24/7 for cyber attacks. We’ll make sure your business is safe and protected with our quality service. Call today!