In this article, you will learn why WIFI dead spots happen, along with how to detect and fix WiFi dead spots.

A WiFi dead spot or WiFi dead zone is an area in your premises and within a wireless LAN reach where WiFi does not function or fails to function. It could be for any reason like radio interference, poor WiFi Network, or range issues.

Since WiFi routers work on radio signals- the same can be affected by other radio-transmitting devices. As a result, you can experience a WiFi dead zone in your office, residential building, or apartment.

WiFi dead spots can be experienced on mobile, smartphones, digital devices, laptops, or any device that supports the internet through WiFi. But what are the other causes of this phenomenon? Why does WiFi stop sending signals, or what disrupts its function? Let’s find out the reasons and tips to fix WiFi dead spots!


Reasons why WiFi Dead Spots happen!

As we said, WiFi works on radio waves- so any hindrance to its radio signal can affect its network strength and create a WiFi dead zone.

If you have a large building premise or office where a network router is installed in one corner of the building, there are chances that there might be a (WiFi) network dead zone at the opposite corner. It can be because of walls, other routers, radio devices, etc. Also, the buildings are still constructed keeping the essential utilities in mind but the WiFi less. Hence, their thick walls affect the WiFi network signals from one room to another.

In addition, these walls have chicken wire for support, and this metal wiring can also block WiFi signals. Last but not least, large metal objects like file cabinets or (metal) walls can also hinder the radio wave from the network router!


Detect WiFi Dead Spots!

We can only fix the issue once we know it, and to fix the WiFi dead spot issue, you do not need special tools or software. Just pick up your smartphone or any other digital wireless device, connect it to WiFi, and try walking around the building, office, or apartment. Notice the WiFi signal strength and signal indicator on the same device. If it drops to zero or does not connect seamlessly with the WiFi router, you are in the WiFi Dead Spot!


Tips to Fix WiFi Dead Spots!

Once you have spotted the WiFi dead zone- it is time to fix it.

1) Reposition Your WiFi Router or Access Point: Try repositioning the router to the place that helps you minimize the network dead zone. Always look for a central position.

2) Identify Obstacles and Reposition Them: If it is not possible to move the router- you can try to find obstacles, and if they can be repositioned where they do not affect the network- move them to that spot.

For example, you can move a metal file cabinet, unnecessary metal wall/ sheet, electronic devices such as a microwave oven, or big metal objects away from the WiFi device to minimize network hindrance.

3) Prefer to Have Least-Congested Wireless Channel: Tools like inSSIDer for Mac and Windows and WiFi Analyzer (for Android) can help you identify the least congested wireless channels (for your WiFi network and devices).

Once analyzed, you can configure the setting on your router or access point to minimize such interference from other wireless devices.

4) Wireless Strength Check: You can get help from professionals to identify and check problematic wireless networks in your office, building, or home. They have professional tools to help you find wireless network dropouts, frequency interference, WiFi Rogue access points, and hidden nodes for better signal strength!


Some third-party WIFI tools:

MetaGeek | inSSIDer – Defeat Slow WiFi

MetaGeek inSSIDer is a great tool to analyze and test your WiFi connections. Allows to visualize all nearby WiFi signals and identify any conflicts or signal issues. Visit MetaGeek for more information and to download


WifiInfoTool by Nirsoft -free WiFi tool to analyze your WiFi network

WifiInfoView is a WiFi tool that scans all the local wireless networks within range. This is only works for Windows O/S. Scan networks collect wireless network details about each signal. It will show signal type, what WiFi channel they are broadcasting on, along with various other details to help optimize your WiFi.

For more information about this tool and to download


The Final Words:

There are many reasons which can affect your WiFi network and its strength. And so, the corresponding solutions. We discussed the four solutions, but other resolutions can be framed according to the situation.

If you are having trouble finding the exact cause and need expert support, you can connect with a professional at TechiT Services ( and have this issue fixed! So what are you waiting for?- Call now (619) 764-6150 to talk to experts!